Top 10 Worst Sea Disaster

The Philippines Worse Civilian Sea Disaster occurred and one of the world’s worst maritime peacetime disaster .

 Number 2: Princess of the Stars

More than 800 passengers and crew of MV Princess of the Stars died when it sank at the height of Typhoon “Frank” on June 21, 2008. It was considered to be one of the Philippines’ worst sea tragedies at the time.

The MV Princess of the Stars, passenger flagship of  Sulpicio Lines fleet, left the port of Manila on June 20, 2008 on its way to Cebu City, Philippines


Number 10: M/V Catalyn B

the MV Catalyn B collided with a fishing boat F/V Anatalia 2.8 nautical miles Limbones Island

There were a total of 74 onboard, 15 crew and 59 passengers. The death toll from the Christmas eve tragedy reached 27 and left 6 missing and 47 survivors.


Number 9: Don Dexter Kathleen

In November 2008, the Don Dexter Kathleen, a small wooden-hulled ferry, capsized off Masbate, leaving 42 dead.

Number 8: Anahanda Cargo Vessel

The cargo vessel Anahanda, overloaded with passengers, sinks off the southern island of Jolo. killing an estimated 150 people on board.

Number 7: Superferry 14

Superferry 14 was a large ferry destroyed by a bomb on February 27, 2004, killing 116 people in the Philippines' worst terrorist attack

Number 6: Singaporean Freighter Hits Cebu City Ferry

A Singaporean freighter hits the ferry Cebu City in Manila Bay, leaving about 140 dead


Number 5: Princess of the Orient

On September 18, 1998, the 13,935-ton, 915-metre (3,002 ft) long MV Princess of the Orient, sailed from Manila to Cebu during a typhoon. The ship capsized at 12:55 p.m. near Fortune Island in Batangas. Of 388 passengers on board, around 150 perished. Passengers were floating at sea for more than 12 hours before rescuers were able to reach the survivors.

Number 4: M/V Doña Marilyn

The MV Doña Marilyn sank in the afternoon of October 24, 1988 while at sea due to the inclement sea and weather conditions brought about by Typhoon Unsang. The ship capsized and about 250 people died

Number 3: M/V Thomas Aquinas Collision with Sulpicio Express Siete

On Friday, 16 August 2013, St. Thomas Aquinas departed from Nasipit, Agusan del Norte, on the southern Philippine island of Mindanao. It was heading into the port at Cebu City via the Cebu Strait when it collided with MV Sulpicio Express Siete, a cargo ship owned by the Philippine Span Asia Carrier Corporation.

A total of 733 rescued,  115 casualties recovered and  22 are still  missing/


Number 1: MV Doña Paz Collision with Oil Tanker

The MV Doña Paz was a Philippine-registered passenger ferry that sank after colliding with the MT Vector on December 20, 1987. With an estimated death toll of 4,375 people, the collision resulted in the deadliest peacetime maritime disaster in history. Doña Paz was traveling from Leyte island to the Philippine capital of Manila.

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World Largest Aircraft Videos

The 10 Biggest Aircraft Video

Airbus A340
It seats up to 375 passengers in the standard variants and 440 in the stretched −600 series

Boeing 747
Manufactured by Boeing's Commercial Airplane unit in the United States, the original version of the 747 was two and a half times larger in capacity than the Boeing 707

Boeing 747-8
The 747-8 is the largest 747 version, the largest commercial aircraft built in the United States, and the longest passenger aircraft in the world.

Antonov An-124
 The An-124 is the world's second highest gross weight production cargo airplane behind the Boeing 747-8F and world's third heaviest operating cargo aircraft

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Top 10 Biggest Airplane in the World

The World’s biggest Aircraft built for Civilian Purpose. The plane indicated in the list are used as passenger airline, cargo, airlifter and transport aircraft.


Number 2: Airbus A340

It seats up to 375 passengers in the standard variants and 440 in the stretched −600 series. Depending on the model, it has a range of between 6,700 to 9,000 nautical miles (12,400 to 17,000 km)


Number 10: Dornier Do X

The Dornier Do X was the largest, heaviest, and most powerful flying boat in the world when it was produced by the Dornier company of Germany in 1929.


Number 9: Tupolev ANT-20

The aircraft was named after Maxim Gorky and dedicated to the 40th anniversary of his literary and public activities. The ANT-20 was the largest known aircraft to have used the Junkers design philosophy of corrugated sheet metal for many of the airframe's key components.


Number 8: Boeing 747 Large Cargo Freighter

It is used exclusively for transporting 787 aircraft parts to Boeing's assembly plants from suppliers around the world.


Number 7: Boeing 747-8

The 747-8 is the largest 747 version, the largest commercial aircraft built in the United States, and the longest passenger aircraft in the world.


Number 6: Boeing 747

The original version of the 747 was two and a half times larger in capacity than the Boeing 707, one of the common large commercial aircraft of the 1960s.


Number 5: Antonov An-22

The Antonov An-22 is a heavy military transport aircraft designed by the Antonov Design Bureau in the Soviet Union. It is Powered by four turboprop engines each driving a pair of contra-rotating propellers, the design was the first Soviet wide-body aircraft and remains the world's largest turboprop-powered aircraft to date.


Number 4: Antonov An-124

The Antonov An-124 Ruslan is a strategic airlift jet aircraft. It was designed by the Antonov design bureau in the Ukrainian SSR, then part of the Soviet Union.
The An-124 is the world's second highest gross weight production cargo airplane behind the Boeing 747-8F and world's third heaviest operating cargo aircraft.


Number 3: Airbus A380

The Airbus A380 is a double-deck, wide-body, four-engine jet airliner. It is the world's largest passenger airliner; many airports have upgraded their facilities to accommodate it because of its size. The A380 made its first flight on 27 April 2005 and began commercial service in October 2007 with Singapore Airlines.


Number 1: Antonov An-225 Mriya

The Antonov An-225 Mriya  is a strategic airlift cargo aircraft, designed by the Soviet Union's Antonov Design Bureau in the 1980s.

The An-225's name, Mriya (Мрiя) means "Dream" (Inspiration) in Ukrainian. It is powered by six turbofan engines and is the largest airplane in the world it is the heaviest aircraft with a maximum takeoff weight of 640 tonnes and the biggest heavier-than-air aircraft in terms of length and wingspan in operational service.
The single example built so far currently bears the civil registration UR-82060 of its Ukrainian operator. Source:

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